Take a look at the words that will get posters BANNED from GLP. the words themselves are also censored...
Some of the banned words/sites are as follows: Alien earth, proxywhore refuge, modlikeproductions, juryroll, ghosthunterscry, abovetopsecret, rumor mill news, surfing the apocalypse, buddhas grove, malware, spyware, adware, Jason Lucas, Elaine, Defiler, tavistock, stanford research institute. Also, using a tiny url will get you automatically banned.
Here is a post from STA. Theresa asks a VERY telling question. WHY would GLP ban the word Tavistock? Why don't they want people to know anything about Tavistock. And why is information about the Stanford Research Institute banned???
They also ban the name Jason Lucas, he happens to be one of the owners of GLP...(Godlikeproductions) I suspect they ban HIS name because they don't want you to know of his association with GLP and with lop.com... a malware and spyware company. Tavistock & GLP Forums
Basically Tavistock Institute has done much work and research in the fields of mind control and social experimentation. That’s simplifying it, but like I said, if you want to know more read my blog “The best kept secret in America” I didn’t write the article, but I reproduced it here in it’s entirety.
I know you might be thinking, “mind control? come on!”, but think about it. That forum is obviously one big social experiment for controlling opposition and spreading disinformation. It’s also a way to keep tabs on different theories and beliefs so “the powers that be” can see who’s getting close to the truth. This way they can steer you away from it. That forum is heavily moderated. Threads get deleted more often than people know and they can flood the forum with so many fake conspiracies that it leaves someone lost in a sea of possibilities.
I still go there from time to time, but now I go knowing the truth about them. It makes it a little easier to spot the shills and sift through the garbage. This goes out as a warning to people that visit. Be careful. They’re monitoring the posts. They have your IP address. For all I know, they’re most likely making a list of people that will need to be controlled when the crap hits the fan.
There are a lot of conspiracy theories out there. It’s hard to know what’s real and what’s not. For me though, the Tavistock theory holds more weight for me now. The mere fact that a certain conspiracy can’t be discussed on a message board that’s specifically for conspiracy theories leads me to believe that it’s real. I’ve witnessed their censoring first hand. I’ve been banned. They change words, ban users and delete threads that have anything to do with it.
One last thing; when researching this I read that their ads had ways of installing spyware on your computer. I don’t know if this is still the case, but I haven’t found any on mine yet. This is just one more reason to be careful if you dare go there. My advice is to stay away. Now if only I can take my own advice, but it’s like watching a train wreck. I can’t look away. - Source
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of The United States of America
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was unknown to the people of the United States before Dr. Coleman exposed its existence in his monograph, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Britain's Control of the United States. Up to that time, Tavistock had successfully retained its secretive role in shaping the affairs of the United States, its government and its people since its early beginning in London, in 1913 at Wellington House.
Since Dr. Coleman's original article exposing this ultra-secret organization, others have come forward with claims of authorship, which they were unable to substantiate.
Tavistock began as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization centered at Wellington House, which was where the original organization was put together with intent of shaping a propaganda outlet that would break down the stiff public resistance being encountered to the looming war between Britain and Germany.
The project was given to Lords Rothmere and Northcliffe and their mandate was to produce an organization capable of manipulating public opinion and directing that manufactured opinion down the desired pathway to support for a declaration of war by Great Britain against Germany.
Funding was provided by the British royal family, and later by the Rothschilds to whom Lord Northcliffe was related through marriage. Arnold Toynbee was selected as Director of Future Studies. Two Americans, Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays were appointed to handle the manipulation of American public opinion in preparation for the entry of the United States into WWI, and to brief and direct President Woodrow Wilson.
From a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House, grew an organization that was to shape the destiny of Germany, Britain and more especially the United States in manner that became a highly sophisticated organization to manipulate and create public opinion, what is commonly termed, “mass brainwashing.”
During the course of its evolvement, Tavistock expanded in size and ambition, when in 1937, a decision was made to use the German author Oswald Spengler's monumental work, Untergange des Abenlandes (The Decline of Western Civilization ) as a model.
Previously, Wellington House board members Rothmere, Northcliffe, Lippmann, and Bernays had read and proposed as a guide the writings of Correa Moylan Walsh, in particular, the book The Climax of Civilization (1917) as corresponding closely to conditions that had to be created before a New World Order in a One World Government could be ushered in.
In this endeavor the members of the board consulted with the British royal family and obtained the approval of the “Olympians” (the inner core of the Committee of 300) to formulate a strategy. Funding was provided by the monarchy, the Rothschilds, the Milner Group and the Rockefeller family trusts.
In 1936, Spengler's monumental work had come to the attention of what had become the Tavistock Institute. In preparation for changing and reshaping public opinion for the second time in less than twelve years, by unanimous consent of the board, Spengler's massive book was adopted as the blueprint for a new working model to bring about the decline and fall of Western civilization necessary to create and establish a New World Order inside a One World Government.
Spengler held it bound to happen that alien elements would be introduced into Western civilization in increasing numbers, and that the West would fail at that time to expel the aliens, thereby sealing its fate, a society, whose inward beliefs and sound convictions would become at variance with its outward profession and thus Western civilization would fall by the wayside in the manner of the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome.
Tavistock thinking was that Spengler had indoctrinated Western civilization to believe that it would err on the side of Roman civilization, and expel the aliens. The genetic loss that has fallen upon Europe-and especially on Scandinavia, England, Germany, France- (the Anglo-Saxon, Nordic Alpine Germanic races) that began just before the Second World War is already so great as to be beyond expectations, and continues at an alarming pace under the skilled guidance of the Tavistock managers.
What was a very rare instance became a common occurrence, a black man married to a white women or vice-versa.
The two World Wars cost the German nation almost one quarter of its population. Most of the intellectual energies of the German nation were diverted into war channels in defense of the Fatherland at the expense of science, arts, literature, music and the cultural, spiritual and moral advancement of the nation. The same could be said of the British nation. The blaze kindled by the British under the direction of Tavistock set all of Europe on fire, and did incalculable damage according to the Tavistock blueprint that matched Spengler's predictions.
Classical and Western are the only two civilizations that could bring a modern renaissance to the world. They had flourished and progressed just as long as these civilizations remained under the control of the Anglo-Saxon Nordic Alpine, Germanic races. The unsurpassed beauty of their literature, art, their classics, spiritual and moral advancement of the female sex with a very large corresponding degree of protection, was what distinguished Western and Classic civilizations from others.
It was this bastion that Spengler saw coming under increasing attack and the thinking at Tavistock ran on parallel tracks, but with a totally different goal. Tavistock saw this civilizations a stumbling block to ushering a New World Order, as did the emphasis on protection and elevation of the female sex to a place of high respect and honor.
Thus the whole thrust of Tavistock was to “democratize” the West by an attack on womanhood, and the racial, moral, spiritual and religious foundation upon which Western civilization rested.
As Spengler suggested, the Greeks and Romans were devoted to the social, religious, moral and spiritual advancement and the preservation of womanhood and they were successful for just as long as they were in control and could arrange matters so that government was carried out by a limited number of responsible citizens supported by the general populace below them, all being of the same pure unadulterated race. The planners at Tavistock saw that the way to upset the balance of Western civilization was to force unwelcome changes in the race by removing control from the deserving to the undeserving in the manner of ancient Roman leaders who were supplanted by their former slaves and aliens, whom they had permitted to come and dwell among them.
Tavistock, by 1937, had come a long way from its Wellington House beginnings and the successful propaganda campaign that had turned the British public from being strongly anti-war in 1913 to willing participants through the arts of manipulation with the willing cooperation of news communications media.
The technique was carried across the Atlantic in 1916 to manipulate the American people to support of the war in Europe. In spite of the fact that the vast majority, including at least 50 U.S. Senators were adamantly opposed to the U.S. getting dragged into what they perceived was essentially a quarrel between Britain and France on the one hand, and Germany on the other, largely over trade and economics, the conspirators were undeterred. At that point Wellington House introduced the word, “Isolationists” as a derogatory description of those Americans who opposed U.S. participation in the war. The use of such words and phrases has proliferated under the expert brainwashing of the Social sciences scientists at Tavistock. Terms like “regime change,” “collateral damage” became almost new English language.
With the Tavistock plan modified to suit American conditions, Bernays and Lippmann led President Woodrow Wilson to set up the very first Tavistock methodology techniques for polling (manufacturing) so-called public opinion created by Tavistock propaganda. They also taught Wilson to set up a secret body of “managers” to run the war effort and a body of “advisors” to assist the President in his decision-making. The Creel Commission was the first such body of opinion-makers set up in the United States.
Woodrow Wilson was the first American president to publicly proclaim himself in favor of a Socialist New World Order inside a Socialist One World Government. His remarkable acceptance of the New World Order is found in his book The New Freedom.
We say “his” book, but actually, it was written by Socialist William B. Hayle. Wilson denounced capitalism. “It is contrary to the common man and it has brought stagnation to our economy,” Wilson wrote.
Yet, at the time, the United States economy was enjoying prosperity and industrial expansion as it had never experienced before in its history:
“We stand in the presence of a revolution—not a bloody revolution, America is not given to spilling blood—but a silent revolution, whereby America will insist upon recovering to practice those ideals which she has always professed, upon securing a government devoted to the general and not the special interests. We are upon the threshold of a time when the systematic life of the country will be sustained or at least supplemented at every point by government activity. And now we have to determine what kind of a government activity it shall be; whether, in the first place, it shall be directed from government itself, or whether it shall be indirect, through instrumentalities which have already constituted themselves and which stand ready to supersede government.”
The United States, harried, hounded, pushed and shoved is headed on a fast track to the New World Order, propelled along by the Radical Republicans of the War Party who have been taken over by the scientists at the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.
Just recently I was asked by a subscriber "where do we find the Tavistock Institute?" My response was: "Look around the U.S. Senate, the House of Representatives, the White House, the State Department, the Defense Department, Wall Street, Fox T.V. (Faux T.V.) and you will see their change agents in every one of these places."
President Wilson was the first U.S. president to “manage” the war through a civilian committee guided and directed by the Bernays and Lippmann from Wellington House, to which we have already made mention.
The resounding success of Wellington House and its enormous influence on the course of American history began before that in 1913. Wilson had spent almost a year tearing down the protective trade tariffs that had defended the American domestic markets from being overwhelmed by “Free Trade,” essentially the practice of allowing cheap British goods made with cheap labor in India to flood the American market. On October 12, 1913 Wilson signed the bill that was the beginning of the end of the unique American middle class, long the target of the Fabian Socialists. The bill was described as a measure to “adjust tariffs,” but it would have been accurate to describe it as a bill to “destroy tariffs.”
Such was the hidden power of Wellington House that the vast majority of the American people accepted this lie, not knowing or realizing that it was a death knell for American commerce that would lead to NAFTA, GATT and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Even more astonishing was the acceptance of the Federal Income Tax Act that was passed on September 5, 1913, to replace trade tariffs as the source of revenue for the Federal Government. Income Tax is a Marxist doctrine not found in the U.S. Constitution anymore than the Federal Reserve Bank is found in the Constitution. Wilson called his twin blows against the Constitution, “a fight for the people, and for free business,” and said he was proud to have taken “part in the completion of a great piece of business…” The Federal Reserve Act, explained by Wilson as “reconstructing the Nation's banking and currency system” was rushed through on a flood-tide of propaganda emanating from Wellington House, just in time for the hostilities that began the horror of WWI.
Most historians are agreed that without passage of the Federal Reserve Bank Act, Lord Grey would not have been able to start that terrible conflagration.
The deceptive language of the Federal Reserve Act was under the guidance of Bernays and Lippman who set up a “National Citizen's League” with the notorious Samuel Untermeyer as its chairman, to promote the Federal Reserve Bank, that secured control of the people's money and currency and transferred it to a private monopoly without the victim's consent.
One of the most interesting pieces of history surrounding the imposition of the foreign financial slavery measure was that before it was sent to Wilson for his signature, a copy was given to the sinister Colonel Edward Mandel House as the representative of Wellington House and the British oligarchy represented by the banker, J.P. Morgan.
As to the American people, in whose name the disastrous measure was instituted, they had not the faintest idea how they had been connived, cheated, lied to and utterly deceived. An instrument of slavery was fastened around their necks without the victims ever becoming aware of it.
Wellington House methodology was at its height when Wilson was coached in how to persuade Congress to declare war on Germany, although he had won election on the solemn promise to keep America out of the war then raging in Europe, a great triumph for the new art of public opinion making. It was just that - the poll questions were shaded in such away that the answers reflected the opinions of the public; not their understanding of the questions, nor their understanding of the processes of political science.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
The Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations. & GodLikeProductions Forum
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Choosing Freedom
Labels: Dr Coleman, GLP, GodLikeProductions, Jason Lucus, Malware, Spyware, Tavistock Institute, Trinity
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I would like it very much if you where to post this at my website http://godlikeproductions.info. I have had a member sign up for a blog with us and @ http://shyla.godlikeproductions.info/ this user posts some interesting finds on GLP and it's ownership.
With regards,
Thanks for the insightful article. After some poking around (while reading this), I noted every e-book remotely mentioning "Tavistock" is offline, or only shows "snippets", but NOT "Climax of Civilizations", which was pure propaganda and justification for social communism.
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No Censorship here, just keep it clean please! thank you.