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Rik Clay RIP 1982-2008
Very long post so click "Read More" below to read it in it's entirety.
London Olympics 2012 : Zion (The New Jerusalem)
When the logo for the London Olympics was unveiled in June 2007 at the cost of £400,000 there was significant public uproar due to both the cost and how terrible it looked.
Despite public pressure, the International Olympic Committee stood fast on keeping the
logo, with no flexibility. In other words, this particular logo was very important. Why?
There are many interpretations spread about the net, all intended to dissolve the true
symbolic meaning behind the logo. It has been claimed to look like a swastika, a runner and even Lisa Simpson but these are all ridiculous diversions.
On first glance you can easily make out the numbers 2012, but why the random 'dot'?
Here's why...
Are we to believe that the London 2012 Olympics are going to facilitate the implementation of Zion - the 'New Jerusalem'? To recite William Blake's poem 'Jerusalem':
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold:
Bring me my arrows of desire:
Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire.
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.
An 18th century writer, artist and esotericist, William Blake had connections with
Freemasonry. Was this early work a declaration of the esoteric agenda, for all to see? After all he was 'involved'.
London Olympics 2012 : Zion : Street Plan
I shall start by stating my intentions. With my research, I do not intend to cause panic or fear, or to create a platform for prejudice and hate. I publish these views in order to simply raise awareness. To raise awareness on the grounds, that if indeed something does transpire during the London Olympics 2012, you can observe the event with a critical eye.
It is my intention to ensure we shall not be duped! Following my two previous articles concerning the Olympics 2012, I decided to cast my eyes into the air and look down again. You guessed it, out came Google Maps. Here's a map and satellite view of the Olympics 2012 Site. Zoom in and take a look:
Stratford in London, is to become host to the Olympic village, which is undergoing massive regeneration due to the project. The site was claimed to be the last area of suitable waste land in London. Pretty lucky eh? Or maybe it was left alone for years for this very reason! I choose the latter.
And so... to the point. Take a look at the Olympic site with the Google Maps road view. On a first glance it looks like any other map view, but persevere... take a closer look at the road names:
You will find that the entire site of the Olympic Village is surrounded by somewhat biblical and mystical road names. The New Jerusalem you ask?
The Roads
1. East Cross Route (actually the A12 or A'20'12) : ref. "The Eastern Cross"
The Eastern Orthodox cross (also known as Crux Orthodoxa, the Byzantine cross, the
Eastern cross, and the "Russian" cross) can be considered a modified version of the
Patriarchal cross, having two smaller crossbeams, one at the top and one near the bottom, in addition to the longer crossbeam. Notice how the East Cross Route is also an A road - numbered A12. Given the UK has hundreds of A roads, what's the likelihood that of all roads, the A'20'12 intersects the Olympic site?
Pause for a second and think about the shape of the letter A... yes it's a pyramid with a capstone. So symbolically the only major road which 'crosses' the Olympic site, is the A(Pyramid) (20)12
2. Carpenter's Road : ref. "Joseph"
Joseph's profession is described in the Gospels as a τεκτων, a Greek word for a variety of skilled craftsmen, but Christian tradition has him as a "carpenter".
3. Great Eastern Road : ref. Eastern Star
The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest fraternal organization in the world that both men and women can join. It was established in 1850 by Rob Morris, a lawyer and educator who had been an official with the Freemasons.
As you can see the emblem for the "Order Of The Eastern Star" is a pentagram - similar
to that found on the UK Passport. An acknowledgement of the pagan deity Satan /
4. Angel Lane : ref. Angel Gabriel / The Holy Spirit
Angels visit Joseph and Mary. Angels announced Christ's birth to Mary and Joseph. The
angel Gabriel visited Mary in Nazareth. She was engaged to Joseph. Gabriel told Mary
she would give birth to the Son of God. Mary was a virgin. Gabriel told her God's power would make the conception possible. Gabriel said, "Nothing will be impossible with God".
5. Temple Mills Lane
Temple Mills were water mills belonging to the Knights Templar - "The Poor Fellow-
Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon".
6. Church Road (Update)
Although not shown on the above map (but please do look in Google), the road on the
north east perimeter of the complex takes it's name from the Christian place of worship, a church
The Location - Ley Lines
The Olympics 2012 site is situated between Leyton and Leytonestone. The "Ley" found in
their names originates from the term 'Ley lines'.
For those who are in the dark: Ley lines, or Leys, are alignments of ancient sites stretching across the landscape. Ancient sites or holy places may be situated in a straight line ranging from one or two to several miles in length. A ley may be identified simply by an aligned placing of marker sites, or it might be visible on the ground for all or part of its length by the remnants of an old straight track.
Our ancestors knew that ley lines, earth grids and vortexes were energy sources
and centers that were to be considered holy. A "Ley Line" is one a number of lines which form part of an energy grid which cross the Earth. The energy - metaphysical in nature. So is there any documentary proof that 'Ley lines' cross near Leyton and Leytonestone? You bet there is...
The bender site, and the old yew tree in it, were the short-lived heart of Leytonstonia, decorated with a kerb-henge, a replica of Stonehenge made with kerbstones. (Some talked of the significance of the names Leyton and Leytonstone, of their relation to ley lines more generally, as though this might explain the energy of the protest sites. A brickhenge was made at Clarement Road, halfway between Leyton and
Leytonstone.) The Olympics site lies in an area synonymous with mystical - metaphysical - earth energy.
Is this yet another coincidence or part of a plan for the 2012 Olympics which was put into motion way before the event was officially finalised?
It seems the Olympics 2012 site was picked for reasons which go far beyond that of 'spare waste land'.
The roads which encompass the site, contain biblical and Masonic references, lying
dormant for years, as if to become part of some majestic ritual.
And if that wasn't enough, a new construction intersecting 'Angel Lane' looks to be forming a grand procession. In the BBC interview "It will be a lasting legacy" with Jean Pickering, the former Olympic bronze medallist was quoted as saying: I remember running along Angel Lane to get the train to work and hearing all the market stall holders cheering me on.
That's true East End spirit.
References to 'lasting legacy', 'Angel Lane', and 'true spirit' sound ominous to me, given our 'Zion' street map. Britain's spiritual landmarks - Stonehenge, Glastonbury Tor and Avebury, all rest upon 'ley lines' (areas of intense earth energy). Could it be any more bewildering that they have chosen such a site for our Olympic games? And that it just so happened to be vacant for the occasion? To close I would like to end with a reference from the Bible. Note the chapter and verse numbers.
Mark 11:11
Then Jesus went into Jerusalem and into the temple and looked around at everything. Since it was already late, he went out with his twelve disciples to Bethany.
At 11:11, Jesus enters Jerusalem, or should that be the New Jerusalem - Zion!
Beijing Olympics 2008 : Zion & The Fifth World
On 5th May 2005, Tony Blair held a UK general election, which secured him another 3
years in power. (555)
On 6th June 2006, everyone expected a day of the devil. Nothing happened. (666)
On 7th July 2007, Al Gore organised a series of concerts around the world, initiating a 3 year campaign to combat climate change. (777)
At Live Earth, not only did the audience take part in a 'sun worship' ritual during the opening number to 'Genesis' (credits to Matthew Delooze for his brilliant work on 'Breaking The Serpent Spell'):
We were also treated to a fantastic finale by our lady 'Madonna' (unfortunately she didn't perform her crucifixion act):
The Beijing Olympics commenced at 8.08pm CST on 8th August 2008. (888)
Are you starting to see a pattern here? It appears that numerologically significant days of the year entertain events controlled by 'the governing powers'.
With all the commotion surrounding the Beijing Olympics, it's hard to remember why we actually do these events... maybe it's because of what they symbolically represent.
"There are many myths surrounding the origin of the ancient Olympic Games. The most popular legend describes that Heracles was the creator of the Olympic Games, and built the Olympic stadium and surrounding buildings as an honor to his father Zeus, after completing his 12 labours. The Olympics were of fundamental religious importance, contests alternating with sacrifices and ceremonies honouring both Zeus (whose colossal statue stood at Olympia), and Pelops, divine hero and mythical king of Olympia."
So you could say that the Olympic Games, at the very least, are a pagan event honouring Zeus 'King Of The Gods' or the 'creator' if you like. Makes you wonder what his '20'12 labours were?
Moving swiftly on to Beijing 2008, let's take a look at the logo:
With a little 'cut and paste' (taking elements from the suprisingly 'unathletic' figure for an Olympic logo), this can be written as:
Isn't that what the 2012 London Olympics logo says too?
You bet it is! What are the chances? Two Olympic games in succession where the
logo contains the word 'Zion'. Is it me or is this something that just doesn't happen by chance? Here lies every insinuation that, between the years of 2008 and 2012, there is a 4-year plan for the creation of 'Zion', a 'New Jerusalem'.
Let's delve deeper... You may recall that sometime last year the Beijing Olympic
Committee unveiled the 5 mascots for the Olympics. The date for this was, are you ready?
11th November 2007. Yes... 11th of the 11th, or 11:11.
"A set of five doll mascots for the 2008 Olympic Games were unveiled in Beijing on
November 11, exactly 1,000 days before the event's opening ceremony."
Here's the little critters... all 5 of them, coloured just like the Olympic rings. Ignore their pyramidal hats for a moment because there's something much weirder going
on here...
You may recall my interpretation of the Olympic rings a month or two back, but to repeat - symbolically each of the rings represents one of the 5 cycles of time which the Mayan calendar comprises. Each ring connects to one other... giving the impression that a new cycle starts before the end of an old... a transition period so to speak - a bit like the one we're in now (1992-2012), the 'time of no-time', according to the Mayans.
Without further ado, here's the official stance on the Beijing 2008 mascots:
Nini (green) : Wind. Every spring and summer, the children of Beijing have flown beautiful kites on the currents of wind that blow through the capital.
YingYing (orange) : Animal. Like all antelopes, Yingying is fast and agile and can swiftly cover great stretches of land as he races across the earth.
Huanhuan (red) : Fire. He is the "big brother". He is a child of fire, symbolizing the Olympic Flame.
Jingjing (black) : Nature. Symbolizing the lush forest and the harmonious relationship
between man and nature.
BeiBei (blue) : Water. Strong in water sports, she reflects the blue Olympic ring.
Take note of BeiBei, the blue mascot representing water:
What's that on BeiBei's forehead? A 'spiritual' third eye?
If you order the mascots, just like the Olympic rings - red (fire), green (wind), black (nature), orange (animal), blue (spirit), a pattern emerges describing what could be seen as the evolution of consciousness as taught in esoteric circles.
Mineral / Element > Plant > Animal > Human > ... (into spirit?)
Coma > Deep Sleep > Dreaming > Waking > ...
If the Olympic mascots and official logo do indeed correlate with the five 5125 year cycles of the Mayan Calendar and the evolution of consciousness, does the arrival of 2012 bring about the transition into the spiritual consciousness of the 'blue' Olympic ring, leaving the 'orange' ring of animal consciousness behind?
To further correlate the significance behind the 'blue' ring, and to draw a link to the London Olympics 2012:
"In the past few weeks an 11-mile blue fence has sprung up around the 2012 Olympics
site in east London. Is it a necessary security measure - or a reminder of how divisive the games are?"
Please read to see how significant the 'blue' fence is!
With the ritual use of the number 11, and the colour blue... it appears the Olympic
Games is the perfect demonstration of how our governments can get things right if
they really want to!
How does this all tie in?
As Rik Clay and Justin Stephens have announced, it is their belief that come the Olympics 2012, we are going to see one of the largest hoaxes ever perpetrated on man.
With the rife symbolism in the promotional material, it can be assumed that people at the very top have an acute understanding of what is about to happen to our planet.
The Beijing Olympics slogan:
The premise of spiritual ascension, the opening of our third eyes and telepathic powers all sound exhilarating and beyond belief, but what if this is real and our impending reality is everything we've dreamed of?
Do you suppose that the ruling powers who have domineered over us for eternity are likely to let that one slip, or is it more than likely they are going to try and hijack it and dupe the public into believing that it is they who are responsible? A biblical, angelic event powered by a 'Project Blue Beam' anyone? The scene is set... it just depends on what their dream is.
The 2008 Beijing Olympics Torch Relay
The Dalai Lama's recent actions, involving China and the Olympic Games, are all part of an intended plan to bring 'sun worship' and 'spirituality' to the forefront of everyone's mind.
There are numbers and dates surrounding the Olympic Torch relay and the foreign
relations between the Dalai Lama and China, which insinuate a much greater plan is
taking place! But first, the Olympic flame...
The Origins Of The Olympic Flame
The Olympic Torch today is ignited several months before the opening celebration of the Olympic Games at the site of the ancient Olympics in Olympia, Greece. Eleven women, representing the roles of priestesses, perform a ceremony in which the torch is kindled by the light of the Sun, its rays concentrated by a parabolic mirror.
The Modern Day Torch Relay
The 1936 Games were the first to employ the torch run. This was the 11th modern day
Olympiad. The games were opened by Adolf Hitler in Berlin, Nazi Germany. Incidentally, Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 (33 degrees of Freemasonry anyone?).
The Flame Passes Through Lhasa, Tibet 2008
"The Olympic torch is set to pass through the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, on June 20-21.
Chinese government officials have confirmed their plans to continue despite the ongoing protests and crackdown across ethnic Tibetan areas."
Yes that's right, the Olympic Flame which is lit by the 'sun' passes through Lhasa in
Tibet on the Summer Solstice - the sun of most high!
The Dalai Lama's Visit To The UK in 2008
The Dalai Lama began an 11-day visit to Britain Tuesday, including talks with Prime
Minister Gordon Brown who faces a delicate balancing act of supporting Tibetan rights
while not offending China. Source
So as you can see here, the history of the Olympic Torch relay and the Dalai Lama's
recent actions are compounded with number 11 - sun worshipping symbolism...
Oh and we mustn't forget that the Olympic Torch symbolises our 'veiled' moon
Goddess - Isis (as seen here, 'starring' as the Statue Of Liberty in Escape From New York and holding the flame which represents the Sun God 'Nimrod' also known as 'Baal'
This also relates to the origins of the Christian/Pagan celebration of 'Easter'- (info here) which derrives from Babylonian/Sumerian times, thousands of years before the so called birth of Christ!
'XXX' Explained - Olympics, Porn and The Proof
Today a new realisation hit me, with regard to the significance and true meaning behind the sequence of letters 'XXX'.
As most will be aware, 'XXX' permeates our lives in a multitude of ways:
* The London 2012 Olympic Games (XXX Olympiad)
* Pornography
* Kisses on a letter, e-mail or greetings card
* 'Britain's Got Talent' or 'America's Got Talent' TV Show (for the few who still watch TV!)
* In the cinema (xXx with Vin Diesel)
* A certain someone's birthday in 2012
Imagine for a moment, that when you've been showing respect, releasing emotion
and energy to any of the above 'XXX' sequences, you have been feeding the biggest
occult agenda known to man. An agenda which will bring about the spiritual
ascen'sion' of the world under a 'false messiah' known as the 'Son Of God'.
Now imagine for a moment, it's all true...
The 'X' Olympics
It is my belief that the 2012 London Olympic Games (XXX Olympiad) are going to witness
a pre-planned 'alien visitation' alongside the anointment of an 'end times' messiah.
Our focus here is the letter 'X', so let's take a look at two previous Olympic games:
XX Olympiad - The Munich Summer Olympics of 1972
To quote an earlier article of mine:
The 1972 Munich Olympics were host to the first 'official' global terrorist attack, in which 11 Israelis were killed by Black September (the 9th month - 9/11), a group with ties to Yasser
Arafat’s Fatah organization. The Olympics were host to 121 countries:
1234321 = 11:11 x 11:11
121 countries = 11:11
11 fatalities
The emblem of the games was a blue solar logo (the "Bright Sun"). I will be covering the significance of the colour blue shortly.
X Olympiad - The Los Angeles (The Angels) Summer Olympics of 1932
The 1932 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the X Olympiad, were
celebrated in 1932 in Los Angeles, California, United States. No other cities made a bid to host these Olympics. Held during the worldwide Great Depression, many nations and athletes were unable to pay for the trip to Los Angeles. Fewer than half the number of participants from the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam competed in 1932.
The Games of the X Olympiad were also the first to use the victory podium (that's right, a pyramid):
What does all of this mean?
As you can see, the X and XX Olympiads both witnessed remarkable world events,
unrivalled by any other Olympic Games.
The 1932 games were held in the midst of the worldwide 'Great Depression', whilst the
1972 games gave a stage for the world's first dose of 'global terror'.
Does it seem so unrealistic, that the XXX Olympiad may have a surprise in store?
XXX - Unveiled
The letter X is more significant than you think.
First of all, you need to understand that the characters of the English alphabet are more than just letters. They are symbols with meaning, sometimes multiple meanings - much like the Egyptian hieroglyphs.
They are talismans. X is the 24th letter of the English alphabet. 2+4/2+4/2+4 = 666. XXX can be seen to represent the number of the beast.
The letter X originated from a letter in the Greek alphabet known as 'Chi'
'Chi' is the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet - that's 11:11 for any of you who've been following.
The Spirit Of X or 'Chi'
'Chi' or 'X' were the origins of the Chinese word 'Qi' meaning 'life force' or 'energy flow'.
'Chi' was also the origins of the Japanese word 'Ki', as in 'Reiki'. 'Chi' also features in 'Tai Chi'.
As you can see, the letter X or 'Chi' is very much about 'spirit'.
X - The Mother Goddess, Isis
"In Plato's Timaeus, it is explained that the two bands which form the soul of the world cross each other like the letter Χ."
Plato, an ancient Greek esoteric philosopher (important to remember, considering who
we're dealing with) associates the letter X with the 'soul of the world'. 'Soul of the world' in Latin becomes 'Anima mundi'. Both of these terms are identified with 'Gaia'.
Gaia can be defined as:
"A complex entity involving the Earth's biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil; the
totality constituting a feedback or cybernetic system which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on this planet."
Gaia is the 'Mother Goddess', who can be identified as Isis - the mother figure of the
Egyptian trinity.
X - The 'Son Of God', Horus
"Chi or X is often used to abbreviate the name Christ, as in the holiday Christmas
Jesus Christ, the 'Son Of God' can be attributed to the sun, much like Horus - the
son figure of the Egyptian trinity.
X - The Father
"A person normally has one pair of sex chromosomes in each cell. Females have two X
chromosomes, while males have one X and one Y chromosome."
A father has one X chromosome. The father can be identified with 'Our father who art in heaven' or Osiris - the father figure in the Egyptian trinity.
XXX - The Trinity
As you may have realised, this becomes all too easy now. XXX simply means the father,
the son and the mother or should we say the trinity!
If you've listened to Rik Clays recent Red Ice Creations Radio interview, you'll already know that he believes the 2012 Olympic Games are going to witness the implementation of the 'trinity for a new age', and here you have it - encoded in the very letters of the games themselves.
To reiterate, X is far more than just a letter.
XXX and the occult
Imagine your body is a biological computer, and that your 5 senses are filters. If you were to remove these filters, you would be bombarded by an all engrossing white light - a whole array of different energies, which you cannot perceive under normal conditions.
When you show emotion to a symbol, an object, a person, your lover - you are generating frequencies of energy which cannot be perceived through your 5 senses.
Now imagine, that an 'intelligence' which resides outside of your 5 senses, in another
dimension of reality perhaps, is capturing that energy for itself - for its own personal gain. The occult operates in co-ordinance with this 'intelligence'.
The letters 'XXX' have been empowered as an occult symbol representing the trinity.
If you have no awareness of the occult meaning behind 'XXX', and you go on to show it
emotion, you are feeding this symbol with the energy (from outside of your 5 sense reality) that it desires.
You are feeding the trinity, or even closer - a trinity event, at the 2012 London
'The truth is always hidden in plain sight'
XXX pornography (single men around the world, giving away their every energy to the computer screen, the most potent energy of all!)
Here's Amsterdam's Coat Of Arms (a city founded upon its red light district) for good
XXX the movie (shown in cinemas around the globe, designed to excite the audience.)
Britain's (America's) Got Talent - 3 judges (2 men, 1 woman - father, son and mother -
the trinity) sat in front of a live TV audience, beaming into homes around the world via the televi'sion' set. Laughter, tears, panic, applause... a range of emotions feeding yet more energy unto the symbol 'XXX'.
And finally... something that we're all guilty of doing. We don't even know why we do it, only that it's drilled into us from a young age:
We all sign our greetings cards and emails with 'kiss kiss kiss' - 'XXX'. As previously mentioned, X originates from the Greek letter, 'Chi' which in Japanese is 'Ki'. The word 'Ki'ss can be broken down into 'Ki' or 'spirit' accompanied by SS. You could view this as two snakes, much like the structure of our DNA.
4 More Years And Counting...
'XXX' symbolises the trinity, much like the early Egyptian creation trinity of Osiris,
Isis and Horus.
We, the world, 'consciousness', have been feeding a 'trinity event', blissfully
unaware for over a hundred years. I believe that this event is going to take place at
the 2012 London Olympics, the XXX Olympiad.
So this leads to the question... who are the members of this 'new trinity'? Who plays Osiris, the role of 'Father'? Who plays Isis, the role of 'Mother'? Who plays Horus, the 'Son', the 'end game' messiah for a 'New World Order Of The Ages'? His birthday is on the 21st June, the summer solstice - the sun of the most high.
In the year 2012, he will be 30 years old = 'XXX'.
His name is Prince William.... (PITP does not hold the view of Prince William Being the Antichrist)
The 2012 Olympic Games Without doubt there is imagery and word play at work connecting a significant event to the 2012 Olympics:
* The 2012 logo which spells 'Zion'
* A movie which could insinuate an alien visitation (here)
* A 1984 Olympics ceremony which stages an alien visitation (here)
* A slogan which spells out the plans for a 'New World Order'
* The Olympic Rings and their connotations of cyclical time
The rabbit hole deepens.....
Please Download Rik Clay's PDF here to read furthur! or read it below
London - Zion - 2012 - Book
Since when was the London Olympics affiliated with small flying saucers, projected "Blue energy" beams , a big "Independence Day" style mothership and huge robotic streetwalkers?
Time stamps of Note:
0.40 Minutes = 11:11 symbology of the 4 chimneys (11:11 x 11:11 = 1234321
1.00 Minutes = UFO's flying around the London "All Seeing Eye"
1.40 Minutes = Independence Day style Mother ship
2.00 Minutes = Robotic street walkers in the streets of London.
This video serves one purpose, to plant a seed in the viewers mind. - Rik Clay
Project Bluebeam Anyone?
Archive RAR of Rik Clay's website
Password to Unzip is TCM
"After unzip, you will have 5 directories, each for one Page. Open the "index.html" in the current directory with your browser."
More Articles From Rik Clay
London Olympics 2012: The Royal Mint's Prior Knowledge
The Eyes In The Sky - Mexico
The Great Seal : A Decipher Of The All Seeing Eye
A Question Of Numbers : A New World Order
London Olympics 2012 Esoteric Agenda
Symbology Of The Number 11 (11:11)
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Rik Clay - 2012 Olympics - Interesting.
Posted by
Choosing Freedom
Labels: 2008, 2012, Beijing, Blue Blast Media, Conspiracy, Eastern Star, Esoteric, Gaia, Isis, Jerusalem, Mayans, Occultic, Olympics, Project Bluebeam, Rik Clay, Wolff Olins, Zionism
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THANKS! Have you read "A Time of Departing" by Ray Yungen, Lighthous Trails Publishing? I just finished reading it for the second time, and by what is happening in the US, the chuches hear are being prepared to follow the "new world order". Teaching the unbiblical veiw that we should all be one and there should not be different churches or religions. The power of god is in everyone. Each can reach God by his own strength. Good intent is all it takes.
I find no one wants to talk about this. But what makes this so frightening is Matthew 24:22. We are facing a terrible trial. May God keep you safe for His Kingdom.
Holy Shit bro. that is all I can say seriously. far out.
"They are talismans. X is the 24th letter of the English alphabet. 2+4/2+4/2+4 = 666. XXX can be seen to represent the number of the beast. "
small problem with that
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