The Pope's Mitre is simply taken from once again Saturn known as Dagon
Saturn God
Pope Hat
Saturnalia's relation to Christmas
There is a theory that Christians in the fourth century assigned December 25th (the Winter Solstice on the Julian calendar) as Christ's birthday (and thus Christmas) because pagans already observed this day as a holiday. This would sidestep the problem of eliminating an already popular holiday while Christianizing the population.
It is also possible to see it as early Christians replacing the Pagan celebration in an act of triumphalism. However, others claim that early Christians independently came up with the date of December 25th based on a Jewish tradition of the "integral age" of the Jewish prophets (the idea that the prophets of Israel died on the same dates as their birth or conception), and a miscalculation of the date of Jesus' death. It is even sometimes claimed that Aurelian moved the feast of Sol Invictus to December 25th to co-opt the Christian celebration.
The Romans also practiced many traditions similar to Christmas; specifically the "Christmas tree", though the Christmas tree itself is a later development in the celebration of Christmas (having its origins in Germany, possibly during the Reformation). The Romans often cut down evergreens and decorated them to pay homage to Saturn, the god of farming. This was to honor the fact that the evergreens remained alive during the harshness of winter. It was also traditional for Romans to exchange gifts during this holiday. These gifts were customarily made of silver, although nearly anything could be given as a gift for the occasion. Several epigrams by the poet Martial survive, seemingly crafted as riddling gift-tags for gifts of food. The medieval celebration of the Feast of Fools was another continuation of Saturnalia into the Christian era.
The Saturnalia was a large and important public festival in Rome. It involved the conventional sacrifices, a couch (lectisternium) set out in front of the temple of Saturn and the untying of the ropes that bound the statue of Saturn during the rest of the year. Besides the public rites there were a series of holidays and customs celebrated privately. The celebrations included a school holiday, the making and giving of small presents (saturnalia et sigillaricia) and a special market (sigillaria). Gambling was allowed for all, even slaves; although it was only officially condoned during this period, one should not assume that it was rare or much remarked upon during the rest of the year. It was a time to eat, drink, and be merry. The toga was not worn, but the pilleus (freedman's hat) was worn by everyone. Slaves were exempt from punishment, and treated their masters with disrespect. The slaves celebrated a banquet, before, with, or served by the masters. A Saturnalicius princeps was elected master of ceremonies for the proceedings. Saturnalia became one of the most popular Roman festivals which led to more tomfoolery, marked chiefly by having masters and slaves switch places, which led to widespread drinking and debauchery, so that among Christians the (lower case) word "saturnalia" came to mean "orgy".
The customary greeting for the occasion is a "Io, Saturnalia!" — io (pronounced "yo") being a Latin interjection related to "ho" (as in "Ho, praise to Saturn").
Saturnalia Link
By the beginning of December, writes Columella, the farmer should have finished his autumn planting. Now, at the time of the winter solstice (December 25 in the Julian calendar), Saturnus, the god of seed and sowing, was honored with a festival. The Saturnalia officially was celebrated on December 17 (a.d. XVI Kal. Ian.) and, in Cicero's time, lasted seven days, from December 17-23. Augustus limited the holiday to three days, so the civil courts would not have to be closed any longer than necessary, and Caligula extended it to five (Suetonius, XVII; Cassius Dio, LIX.6), which Claudius restored after it had been abolished (Dio, LX.25). Still, everyone seems to have continued to celebrate for a full week, extended, says Macrobius (I.10.24), by celebration of the Sigillaria, so named for the small earthenware figurines that were sold then.
Macrobius, in his Saturnalia, creates an imaginary symposium among pagan intellectuals that takes place then. There, he offers an explanation for the varying length of the holiday. Originally, it was celebrated on only one day, the fourteenth before the Kalends of January (December 19). With the Julian reform of the calendar, however, two days were added to December, and the Saturnalia was celebrated sixteen days before the Kalends (December 17), "with the result that, since the exact day was not commonly known--some observing the addition which Caesar had made to the calendar and others following the old usage--the festival came to be regarded as lasting for more days than one" (I.10.2). The original day now was given over to the Opalia, honoring Ops, who personified abundance and the fruits of the earth, and was the consort of Saturn. As the two deities represented the produce of the fields and orchards, so they also were thought to represent heaven and earth. It was for this reason, says Macrobius (I.10.20), that the two festivals were celebrated at the same time, the worshippers of Ops always sitting in prayer so that they touched the earth, mother of all.
In the Roman calendar, the Saturnalia was designated a holy day, or holiday, on which religious rites were performed. Saturn, himself, was identified with Kronos, and sacrificed to according to Greek ritual, with the head uncovered. The Temple of Saturn, the oldest temple recorded by the pontiffs, had been dedicated on the Saturnalia, and the woolen bonds which fettered the feet of the ivory cult statue within were loosened on that day to symbolize the liberation of the god.
It also was a festival day. After sacrifice at the temple, there was a public banquet, which Livy says was introduced in 217 BC (there also may have been a lectisternium, a banquet for the god in which its image is placed in attendance, as if a guest). Afterwards, according to Macrobius (I.10.18), the celebrants shouted "Io, Saturnalia!" at a riotous feast in the temple.
The Saturnalia was the most popular holiday of the Roman year. Catullus (XIV) describes it as "the best of days," and Seneca complains that the "whole mob has let itself go in pleasures" (Epistles, XVIII.3). Pliny the Younger writes that he retired to his room while the rest of the household celebrated (Epistles, II.17.24). It was an occasion for celebration, visits to friends, and the presentation of gifts, particularly wax candles (cerei), perhaps to signify the returning light after the solstice, and sigillaria. Martial wrote Xenia and Apophoreta for the Saturnalia. Both were published in December and intended to accompany the "guest gifts" which were given at that time of year. Aulus Gellius relates in his Attic Nights (XVIII.2) that he and his Roman compatriots would gather at the baths in Athens, where they were studying, and pose difficult questions to one another on the ancient poets, a crown of laurel being dedicated to Saturn if no-one could answer them.
During the holiday, restrictions were relaxed and the social order inverted. Gambling was allowed in public. Slaves were permitted to use dice and did not have to work. Instead of the toga, less formal dinner clothes (synthesis) were permitted, as was the pileus, a felt cap normally worn by the manumitted slave that symbolized the freedom of the season. Within the family, a Lord of Misrule was chosen. Slaves were treated as equals, allowed to wear their masters' clothing, and be waited on at meal time in remembrance of an earlier golden age thought to have been ushered in by the god. In the Saturnalia, Lucian relates that "During My week the serious is barred; no business allowed. Drinking, noise and games and dice, appointing of kings and feasting of slaves, singing naked, clapping of frenzied hands, an occasional ducking of corked faces in icy water—such are the functions over which I preside."
This equality was temporary, of course; and Petronius speaks of an impudent slave being asked at some other time of the year whether it was December yet. Dio writes of Aulus Plautius, who was to lead the conquest of Britain, cajoling his troops. But they hesitated, "indignant at the thought of carrying on a campaign outside the limits of the known world." Only when they were entreated by a former slave dispatched by Claudius did they relent, shouting "Io, Saturnalia" (LX.19.3).
(If a time of merriment, the season also was an occasion for murder. The Catiline conspirators intended to fire the city and kill the senate on the Saturnalia, when many would be preoccupied with the festivities. Caracalla plotted to murder his brother then, and Commodus was strangled in his bath on New Year's eve.)
At the end of the first century AD, Statius still could proclaim: "For how many years shall this festival abide! Never shall age destroy so holy a day! While the hills of Latium remain and father Tiber, while thy Rome stands and the Capitol thou hast restored to the world, it shall continue" (Silvae, I.6.98ff). And the Saturnalia did continue to be celebrated as Brumalia (from bruma, winter solstice) down to the Christian era, when, by the middle of the fourth century AD, its rituals had become absorbed in the celebration of Christmas.
Some pictures of the Pope's Mitre symbolising Dagon/SATURN
Days of the week are named after planets and pagan gods!
* Sunday = Sun's day
* Monday = Moon's day: derived from the Anglo-Saxon monandaeg,
* Tuesday = named after the Norse god of war, Tiu, or Tiw
* Wednesday = named to honour Odin, or Woden, chief god in Norse mythology.
* Thursday = named after Thor, Norse god of thunder.
* Friday = Anglo-Saxon frìgedaeg; from Old High German Frìa, a goddess
* Saturday = Saturn's day: named in honour of the Roman god Saturn.
What is the system behind the planetary day names?
As we saw in the previous section, the planets have given the week days their names following this order:
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Sun
Why this particular order?
One theory goes as follows: If you order the "planets" according to either their presumed distance from Earth (assuming the Earth to be the centre of the universe) or their period of revolution around the Earth, you arrive at this order:
Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Now, assign (in reverse order) these planets to the hours of the day:
1=Saturn, 2=Jupiter, 3=Mars, 4=Sun, 5=Venus, 6=Mercury, 7=Moon,
8=Saturn, 9=Jupiter, etc., 23=Jupiter, 24=Mars
The next day will then continue where the old day left off:
1=Sun, 2=Venus, etc., 23=Venus, 24=Mercury
And the next day will go
1=Moon, 2=Saturn, etc.
If you look at the planet assigned to the first hour of each day, you
will note that the planets come in this order:
Saturn, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus
This is exactly the order of the associated week days.
Saturn - Cosmic Keeper of Time
If Jupiter is the King of the Planets, then Saturn is the Queen of the Planets. Saturn, in ancient days, was known as Chronos, the keeper of Time. Chronos, was the son of Uranus and his wife, Rhea (the firmament). Chronos' wife was Gaia (the Earth). Saturn is the mother and giver of all forms, both mother and father, and posessing qualities of both sexes.
The rings around Saturn were easily seen by the ancients, and limit the planet within them, as time limits our existence here on Earth. Saturn is the last planet the ancients could see with their primitive telescopes, and so we have 7 days in the week, each day named after a corresponding planet. This is most evident from the French (or Spanish) names for the days of the week, as follows:
* Sunday - SUNday - pretty obvious, eh?
* Monday - MOONday - Lundi (Luna's Day)
* Tuesday - MARSday - Mardi (Mars' Day) (eg Mardi Gras)
* Wednesday - WODEN'sday - Mercredi (Mercury's Day)
* Thursday - THOR'sday - Jeudi - (Jupiter's Day)
* Friday - VENUSday - Vendredi - (Venus' Day)
* Saturday - SATURNday - Samedi - (Saturn's Day)
In fact, the word MONTH comes from the length of time the moon takes to complete one revolution around the Earth (a MOONTH) or 28 days. There are 13 lunar months and 12 solar months in each year of our Earth.
You can also go to The Birth of Islam, a fascinating essay in progress which discusses the theory that the Ancient Egyptians used just such a 10-day week, and it was subsequently reduced to 7 days for various reasons. The author declares Egypt held on to her "ancient celestial tradition of reality" until it was replaced with the "7 days of creation, the 7 spirits of God, and the 7 wandering bodies in the heavens" for which our days of the week are so aptly and obviously named. An excellent essay, thus far!
Have you all noticed how when people talk of 666 they always talk of SATAN or the BEAST? They do not reference Lucifer! Reason is that Lucifer is something entirely different and that it is the planet VENUS. Some believe Lucifer is the Sun but either way Lucifer is not SATURN and therefore not SATAN -
Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest:
orbit: 1,429,400,000 km (9.54 AU) from Sun
diameter: 120,536 km (equatorial)
mass: 5.68e26 kg
The great seal (mark) of Lucifer is the six-pointed star.
The six-pointed star symbolizes man's union with the divine:
"The Septenary Universe unfolds seamlessly from Infinity to the physical plane but it was divided into Seven Planes of Existence--or states of consciousness--by The Hierarchy who released this information through Mme. Blavatsky. The Three Higher Planes--Atma (Infinity), Buddhi (Light) and Manas (Higher Intelligence) constitute the Higher Self. The Higher Self is represented by the triangle pointing upwards. Interestingly enough, everyone and everything in the Universe has the same three principles in their seven-principled bodies and this constitutes the principle of Universal Brotherhood. "The triangle pointing downwards is representative of the lower self, the three principles of sensient life--the 'breath of life' (which is a reflection of the Highest Principle), the Astral Body and the physical Body. "When we come into existence, these two triangles are separated, the higher above the lower. In between is a single point of consciousness which represents the soul. The soul is the vehicle of our desires. If we desire the things of the lower principles, the fire of out soul is directed downward and, if our lower desires are strong enough, goes out.
"However, if we direct the fire upwards into our Higher Self, we receive the higher energies necessary to RAISE OUR LOWER SELF into harmony with our Higher Self. Thus the lower and Higher self become locked together in place in perfect Union by the principle of the soul. Thus we attain full consciousness awareness on ALL PLANES of the universe and he have, in effect, spiritualized our lower self, to the point where it has raised its energies into Union with the Higher. "As the great metaphysician Mme. Helena Roerich said, 'Man becomes simply a god...and then God.'"
“In Ritual Magick, the hexagon is called the Seal of Solomon, and represents Divine Union, being composed of a female, watery triangle, and a male, fiery triangle. The traditional elemental triangles of earth, air, water, and fire are derived from the seal. When the points of a hexagram are connected, a hexagon is formed. Kabbalistically, the hexagram represents the Sefirah Tifaret, perfection...
“In the Hindu religion, the hexagram is called the Shatkona, and is equivalent to the symbolism in ritual magick. The Shatkona is the combination of the Shiva kona (trikona, triangle), the symbol of the God Shiva, representing the element of fire, and the Shakti kona, representing the element of water. Together, they represent the union of male and female, and the heart chakra.” - Hexagram (Shatkona, Seal of Solomon)
The six-pointed star is considered by occultists to be the Star of Bethlehem which will precede the Advent of the False Christ. "Immediately after the tribulation of those days...shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven..." (Matt. 24:29-30) "The Star is the symbol of the perfect life, the perfect balance, of the Christ-man. The six-pointed star is the Star of Bethlehem, which again means the Star of the Son of man... "The star with the six points represents the star of Light...of brotherhood, the Star of Christ. The love of Christ is represented by this Star. So, we have in that symbol a representation of the Ancient Wisdom, and the love of Christ, the wisdom and love combined, which is to be realized by humanity in this New Age - the age of Aquarius."
"Now, the name SATURN in Chaldee is pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar knows, consists only of four letters, thus - Stur [ed. Star?]. This name contains exactly the Apocalyptic number." (Hislop, p. 269)
S = 060
T = 400
U = 006
R = 200
= 666
"Sri Aurobindo, a Hindu guru well-known in the New Age affirms that SATURN IS REPRESENTED BY THE NUMBER 6… because the planet Saturn is 6th of the nine planets in distance from the sun."
Dagon, the Fish-god, is associated with the forehead and hands, the location of the mark of the beast.
Note: Dagon's crown is the top of a 6-pointed star.
Rev. 13:1 - And I saw the BEAST RISE UP OUT OF THE SEA
I Sam. 5:4 - And when they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the earth before the ark of the Lord; and the HEAD OF DAGON AND BOTH THE PALMS OF HIS HANDS WERE CUT OFF upon the threshold; only did the stump of Dagon was left to him.
In the mystery religions, both the forehead and hands were tattooed during rites of initiation. (Reason Dagon's hands and head were cut off.)
Concerning Mithraism: "INITIATION was performed by two dignitaries, who possessed the title of Father and Herald. After the ceremony (the initiate) would be considered the brother…of the other initiates and the son of the Father… In order to be recognized by the Father, he has to be TATOOED, in other words, BRANDED ON BOTH HANDS… On portraits of emperors, these TATTOO MARKS are clearly visible, but ON THE FOREHEAD, IN PLACE OF THE HANDS." The tattoo bonds the initiate with the entity symbolized by the tattoo and enables him to communicate with that demonic power.
"In some pictures of a tattooed man we are faced by a permanent prayer to and identification with the heavenly powers, at the same time as a basic means of communication with them. Such is the most generalized meaning of tattooing bestowed in consequence of a rite of initiation which allows this communication to take place. At the same time, this initiation is a rite of admission into a social group and the tattoo is the PERMANENT MARK OF THAT INITIATION, the badge of the tribe.
"All in all, tattooing belongs among symbols of identification and is interfused with all their magic and mystic potency. Identification always carries a double meaning: it tends to invest the individual concerned with the properties and strength of the CREATURE OR THING TO WHICH THAT PERSON IS ASSIMILATED and, at the same time, to immunize the latter against its potential power to cause harm. This is why tattoos depict dangerous creatures such as serpents or scorpions, or animals which are symbols of fertility, such as bulls or of power, such as lions, and so on. Identification also carries a SENSE OF SURRENDER OR EVEN OF CONSECRATION to whatever the tattoo symbolically depicts. It then becomes a BADGE OF FEALTY." - Chevalier's Dictionary of Symbols
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Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Posted by
Choosing Freedom
Labels: Anti Christ, Christmas, Mark of the beast, Nimrod, Papacy, Pope, Saturnalian Brotherhood, Venus
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