Saturday, 27 June 2009

FEMA TRAINS - Earthlasthope Vs Alex Jones My Turn

A documentary about FEMA & DHS.Federal Emergency Management Agency & Department of Homeland Security. This was constructed by an amateur reporter. His channel was removed without any reason whatsoever, but I downloaded his documentary before that actually happend. I am glad I did, because it gives you a great perspective and interesting footage. So, if you are really interested then you have to take a seat and watch all the parts.

On April 13, Alex Jesuit Jones spent no more than ONE hour looking into a topic I and earthslasthope have spent months researching. Alex Jones researches topics, gets everyone riled up just to debunk it and tell the world he has solved the mystery. My advice: "Stop Listening to Alex Jesuit Jones!"

Jesus said: "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you.For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed."

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